7 Top Fiber Foods To Add To Your List Now!


7 Top Fiber Foods 

You must have heard of having an apple along with its skin. Wondering why? This is because you miss out on that red peel which is high in fiber. We often undermine it’s value and ignore how important it is for the proper functioning of the body. During the article, we will take you through the benefits this wonder roughage has and then will move forward to exploring top fiber foods. So let’s get started! 

What is fiber and why is it essential?

In simple words, it is a kind of carbohydrate that helps keep our digestive systems healthy. Fiber is essential to have great digestive health and regular bowel movements. Surely, this article is a must-read for you if you wish to live a healthy disease-free life. Especially for diabetes or people who have any kind of heart issues because this amazing nutrient helps to decrease cholesterol and blood sugar level. 

What should be our daily requirement of fiber?

According to statistical data, the consumption of fiber is as follows : 

  • 1 to 18 (years) : 14 to 31 grams/per day 
  • Females (over 18 years): 25 grams/per day
  • Males (over 18 years): 35 grams/per day 

Now, let’s further move towards the top fiber-rich foods: 


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Yes! This amazing food item is not only recommended for your “dieting schedule”, but has enough fiber to take care of your nutrient requirement alone. There is a presence of around 10.6 grams of fiber in around 100 grams of oatmeal. Additionally, it is also rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. 

2)Dark Chocolate

Image result for dark chocolate

Who cannot get a watery mouth with the name “chocolate”? Guess what, it is healthy too! A 100 grams bar of dark chocolate has 11g fibre present in it. Other than that, it is highly rich in nutrients such as iron, magnesium, copper and manganese and powerful antioxidants. Also, it protects your skin from the sun and improves brain functioning by increased blood circulation towards the brain. Get a bar of dark chocolate fast! 

3)Dark Vegetables

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Don’t worry! There is no high science for “dark vegetables”. In general, the darker the colour of the vegetable, the higher is the fiber content present in them. These vegetables include Carrot, Beetroot and Broccoli. Collard Green and Swiss Chard have a presence of 4 grams of fiber per cup. Artichokes are among highest-fiber veggies, with 10 grams for medium-sized one.

4)Flax Seeds and Chia Seeds

Image result for flax seeds and chia seeds

Seeds have been recognized as a rich source of nutrition from the past few years. These two wonder seeds are highly rich in fiber. Flax seeds consist of 8g of fiber in one ounce whereas chia seed consists of 11g for the same amount. Also, it is enriched with calcium, protein, vitamin and minerals as well as antioxidants. 


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Your parents must be after your life to eat fruits. Have you ever given a thought why do they keep repeating this? The answer is simple – Fruits have the solution to all health problems and are extremely nutritious. To name a few, Pears consist of 5.5 gram in ever 100 grams, tasty berries have 6-8 gram in every 100-gram, apple has 2.4-gram, avocado has 6.7 gram in every 100 grams. Don’t forget an apple a day keeps the doctor away!


Image result for popcorn and cola hudson lane

Moving forward towards these amazing puffs rich in fiber. Super delicious and addictive, they are perfect Netflix partner. Although underrated as a superfood, Popcorn should be a must-have in your food list. There is a presence of 13-gram fiber in every 100 grams. Do you know that popcorn has the potential to reduce the risk of different cancer and gut infection? Don’t miss upon this hunger management food item during random hour hunger!


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Have it raw or make chantey, coconut is packed with almost everything your body needs. It is also among one of the top fiber food. The best part is that it can satisfy your sweet cravings without putting those extra kilos. There is a presence of 25 grams of fiber in coconut.

MUST-READ: 7 Natural Protein Rich Foods To Replace Your Protein Supplements!

Haven’t we made a very convincing case to have an intake of optimum fiber and live healthy with these easily available top fiber foods? Remember, a healthy and fit body can work better and more efficiently!

Written By Prabhleen Kaur