9 Healthy Foods to Add To Your Coronavirus Grocery List Immediately


When everyone is housebound for the next couple of weeks (or even more, who knows! :D) due to Coronavirus, it becomes necessary to practice emergency preparedness. That doesn’t mean you have to purchase everything you see at a grocery shop. It is time to practice smart and practical shopping. In this article, we will help you prepare a list of the healthy pantry that you can stock to avoid visiting the market multiple times. Also, the healthy foods will fill your nutrition requirement as we don’t want you to compromise on your immunity system.

Healthy Foods to Add To Your Coronavirus Grocery List Immediately

Let’s begin exploring the top healthy foods. Remember, the list is prepared considering the life of the items with its nutrition content. 


10 Best Legumes to Eat Plus Nutrition Facts - Dr. Axe

The first thing you should add to your shopping trolly is the variety of legumes. They are super-rich in protein, and as they are dry, they can be stored for a longer duration. Also, this plant-based protein is not only healthy but can keep you full for a longer duration. 

legumes To Purchase:  Lentils, Chickpeas, Soyabean, Pinto Beans, Black Beans, Kidney Beans, Lima Beans, etc. 


Pasta Penne with Bolognese Sauce, stock-videoer (100 % royaltyfri ...

Healthy and Pasta? Are you thinking the same? Don’t worry. You don’t have to worry about getting fat after eating pasta. With so many healthy options of pasta now available, it is a good option for people even when they are on a diet. Just remember not to purchase the pasta made from “proceed wheat, “white wheat” or refined wheat. These are some misleading names for “Maida” or “refined wheat flour” to make it sound like whole wheat. 

Pasta To Purchase: Whole Grain Pasta, Gluten Free-Pasta (generally made from corn or quinoa), Bean Pasta, etc. 


Popcorn and Cola | Home delivery | Order online | Hakikat Nagar ...

With so much of free time, everyone is glued to either Netflix, Amazon Prime or Television. And who likes to watch a movie without some munching? Instead of picking fried chips, Popcorns can be a healthy partner for late-night movies. Full of fibre, vitamins, minerals, you simply can’t miss this healthy food in your grocery list. 

Popcorn To Purchase:  Avoid purchasing packed popcorns with added flavours and butter. Instead, have fresh corns and make fresh popcorns. 


7 tips for cooking with onions and garlic | The Splendid Table

Which dish is complete without adding Onions and Garlic? But, little do we know the importance of these two wonder food for our gut. Do you know that if you consume onions raw they have a higher level of organic sulphur compound, and raw garlic is an effective natural antibiotic? 

Pro Tip: Try consuming raw Garlic empty stomach in the morning with water. Also, add onions to your salads. 


How to tell if your dry fruits are Adulterated | The Times of India

Whether you like your dry fruits raw or grounded into butter, they are one of the most nutritious foods available to mankind. You can also replace your frequent hunger chills with munching on them. No doubt, they are a great source of fibre, Vitamin E and protein. 

Dry Fruits To Purchase: Raisins, Almonds, Walnuts, Cashew nuts, etc. 



Don’t go on the size of these power-packed seeds. The best part about the seeds is the ease to consume them. You can have them raw or add them to your salads, smoothies and vegetables. These are full of micronutrients and are a must-have in your list. For Example, Chia Seeds and Flax Seeds are amongst one the best source of Omega 3, protein and almost all seeds have high fibre content. 

Seeds To Purchase: Chia Seeds, Flax Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, etc. (Any 2). 

7-MILK (Plant-Based)

Soy, almond, coconut: Which milk alternative is right for you?

Plant-based milk can last longer and can meet all your daily requirement. Remember to purchase the brand which uses the least number of ingredients. If possible, you can make your own milk at home. For Example, Almond Milk is super easy to make and high in nutrition value. Similarly, you can make milk from other plant sources. 

Plant-Based Milk To Make/ Purchase: Coconut Milk, Almond Milk, Soy Milk, Oat Milk, etc. 


Drinking Ginger & Ginger Tea during Breastfeeding - Is It Safe?

If you are feeling bloated sitting at home all day, simply have ginger tea. This superfood has anti-bloat properties, helps in digestion and even reduces the inflammation in the body. In addition to adding ginger in your vegetables, you can boil ginger in water and drink it for maximum benefit. 

Pro-Tip: You can store Ginger in the refrigerator for a long time. 


9 ways to save money on fruits & vegetables | Policygenius

Though not many fruits can last longer, you can store the ones which will not lose their juicy structure. Avoid taking canned fruits or bottled juices. Always take the fresh versions. If the fresh versions are not available you may get the frozen berries, but avoid the packets with added sugar.

Fruits To Purchase:  Apples, Pears, Guava, Litchi, Pomegranate, Grapes, etc. 



Fox Nuts News in Bengali, Videos & Photos about Fox Nuts ...

Super rich in protein, these little gluten-free low-calorie nuts are a must-have in your grocery list. Furthermore, they are beneficial for people suffering from heart problems and blood pressure. If you haven’t purchased it yet, get it now!

Fox Nut to Purchase: Avoid purchasing the flavoured ones, simply get the original Fox Nut. 


Ghee | How To Make Ghee At Home and Delicious Health Benefits

Every meal you cook should have the essential good fats. Therefore, we suggest avoiding all kind of refined oils available in the market. Try for more natural and less processed oils. Even if you feel like frying, look for healthier versions. 

Oil to Purchase: Mustard Oil, Olive Oil and Ghee (Clarified Butter) or Coconut Oil. 

A MUST READ: 9 Quick And Easy Breakfast Dishes To Lose Weight

Enough of the healthy foods to purchase in your next grocery shopping. Have any other food to add to the coronavirus grocery list? Help others and share with us in the comment section.