7 Tips To Lose Weight If You Are Getting Married in Less Than 6 Months!


Are you getting married in less than 6 months and super busy to take care of yourself? The count down has begun and it is hardly a few months to your dream day!  But, are you anxious about losing those extra kilos? Do thoughts of looking chubby on your most important day gives you chills? If yes, we have some tried and tested tips to lose weight without losing your charm! So ladies and Grooms to be, let’s get started!

Tips To Lose Weight If You Are Getting Married in Less Than 6 Months!

1-Kick Start Your Day With Water (Even before brushing) 

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The first thing you should do just after waking up is to drink water. The moment you drink water in the morning, the antibacterial morning saliva is flushed into your digestive system. It is the best body cleanser, aids in digestion and prevents constipation. The body that is cleaned from inside will definitely look healthier from outside. Get ready to look shinier brides to be! 

2-Jhadu-Poocha will do the magic!

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Every girl who is about to get married must be tired of hearing this line” Jhadu pocha sekh lo”. But, do you know this is the best exercise ever. About 30 minutes daily is more than enough to give you that perfect look! This works best for those who are working and have a little time to exercise. Guys, you can try this too **wink Wink**. 

3-Banana For A Pre-Breakfast Snack!

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Banana is often connected to weight gain, whereas if consumed in the right manner it is the powerhouse of nutrients and minerals. Cut a banana into small pieces and add black pepper to it. Also, take a spoon and take out the fibre from the banana peel. Banana, when taken empty stomach with black pepper, boosts the metabolism, helping in reducing weight. 

4-Carrots & Beet Root For Red Glowing Skin! 

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Carrots and Beet Root should top your list when it comes to flawless skin. You can add carrot and beetroot to your salads or have them in the form of juices. Have this with your lunch and you will automatically end up eating less amount of food. An amazing tip to lose weight with glowing skin. 

5-Add Chia Seeds and Spirulina to your Diet

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When NASA says yes to Spirulina, how can our brides be behind! Spirulina and Chia Seeds are two superfoods which are considered best for losing weight with glowing skin. Spirulina is available in tablets or powder form. On the other hand, Chia seeds can be added to your breakfast or evening snacks. Caution: Always soak them before consuming. 

A MUST READ: NASA Wants Its Astronauts To Have This Super Food

6-Always Have A Healthy Evening Snack

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4:30-6:30 PM is the time when all the crimes are done! Biscuits with tea, Chips, Namkeen and what not! When lunch has already passed and dinner looks far away, we often end up eating whatever is easily available and mess with our health routine. So always keep some healthy snacks available like popcorns, sukhi bhel, makhanas and like! 

A MUST READ : 7 Healthy Snacks to Munch On Guilt-Free!

7-A Big No to Fried Food, Maida and Sweets!

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Pakoras, Maggie, Momos! Sorry Girls and Grooms to be, you just have to remove this from your list completely! With Diwali season approaching, don’t get tempted by chocolates, fried sweets and unhealthy maida snacks. 

A MUST READ: 9 Food Swaps To Lose Weight Healthily

8-Pack Your Packaged Food 

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Pack your packaged food and give it away! Anything which comes in a packet is not healthy and comes with preservatives, added sugar and unseen contents to gain weight. From biscuits to packed juices, 2-minute vegetables and so on, everything comes with a health cost. Sometimes they may claim to be healthy, but they are not! 

9-Try Eating Before 7 PM 

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All the digestive juices are at the peak before sunset. The body is in a better position to digest the food and it does not get converted in extra fat. Although, if you are working late and it is extremely not possible for you to eat before 7 PM, we have an alternative solution. You can take ginger with black salt just before consuming your meal. This will again give a kick to your digestive juices. 

Small changes can make a huge difference. Just stick to the ghar ka khana, have plenty of water with any exercise you like and just cut down on extra oil, sweet and maida! Look beautiful.  Have any other tips to lose weight and look flawless for the bride and groom? Please share in the comment section.