Confused About Your Career? Read This!


In a country where 76% of the students select their careers based upon “popular choices”, it becomes crucial to understand what will fit us perfectly. Career counselling is an amazing process where a counsellor clear your career doubts, helps you in making an informed decision and develops a roadmap for you. Counselling is an amalgamation of scientific assessments, student’s interest, personality and other important factors that directly or indirectly affects student’s life. 

A Career expert uses scientific assessments as a tool to explore possible career positions for the counsellee and provide them with all necessary information. In the entire process, the student is assured that they are free to discuss any concern and each and every information will be kept confidential. 

Why Career Counselling Is Important?

We as students are unaware of the recent trends, future demand of careers, and what can be done to move up the career ladder. Career Counselling will make our path smooth. Let’s see what all it can provide us :

1-Introduction To The World Of Careers:  As a student, we are sometimes not even aware of the pool of career options available to us. A trained counsellor with experience and knowledge can help us in knowing the same. 

2-Help In Selection Of A Career/Stream: As we are flooded with tons of careers, career counselling can help us in shortlisting the best Careers/Stream for us. 

3-Developing A Road Map: Information for the top colleges, entrance exams, eligibility, etc. is provided during the sessions. The counsellor creates a Plan A for the student, along with a Plan B. 

4-Helps in Dealing with Career Anxiety: Most of the students are apprehensive about their careers and dealing with the anxiety becomes difficult. As Career Counsellors are trained Psychologists, they can take care of student’s anxiety or any personality-related issue. 

5- Makes You Meet Career Mentors: Sometimes, we are at that point of career where we feel stuck. All we require is guidance from the senior professionals in the same field. As career counsellors are well connected, they can make you meet career mentors in the area. 


FOR CLASS 8th TO 9th 

Know Yourself
1 Psychometric Assessment
22 Page Career Report
Career Enlightment Plus
1 Psychometric Assessment
22 Page Career Report
Stream Selection & Shortlisting
Introduction to the World of Careers
Access to the Career Library
List of Universities (India + Abroad) Up to 2 Countries
Admission Requirements for Universities
2 Counselling Sessions with Career Expert (60 Minutes Each)
Plan Validity : 3 Months
1 Month of Counselling Support on Chat*

FOR CLASS 10th To 12th 

Career Enlightenment
1 Psychometric Assessment
22 Pages Career Report
Course Suggestions
List of Universities/ Colleges
Admission/ Entrance Requirements
Access to Career Library
2 Counselling Sessions (60 mins each)
3 Months Counselling Chat Support*
Plan Validity : 3 Months
1 Psychometric Assessment
1 Profile Analysis Assessment
22 Page Career Report
Course Selection/Suggestion
Top University Recommendations
End -to- End Application Management
Visa Processing (Highest Success)
Statement of Purpose Support & Guidance
Assistance In Interview Preparation
University Coordination
Fast Track Application Processing
Profile Building Guidance
Interview Preparation for Abroad, if Required
Real-Time Application Status
Scholarship Support for Universities
Education Loan Support
Post Landing Support for Few Locations
Regular Support for 1 Year (1 Session Per Month)


FOR Graduates

If you are pursuing your graduation or are in the initial years of your career and confused, it is better to talk to an expert. Clarify your doubts and seek career clarity. 

Career Enlightenment
1 Psychometric Assessment
22 Pages Career Report
Course & Profession Suggestions
List of Universities/ Institutions
2 Counselling Sessions (60 mins each)
1 Month of Chat Support*
Plan Validity 3 Months
Career Enlightenment Platinum
Assessment + Counselling + Profile Guidance + Follow Up
1 Psychometric Assessment
22 Pages Career Report
Detailed CV and Linkedin Evaluation & Discussion
Course & Profession Suggestions
Country Suggestion & Shortlisting
List of Universities (Upto 3 Countries)
Admission Requirements
3 Counselling Sessions (60 Mins each)
Career Planning & Roadmap
Profile-Building Guidance
List of Professional Certifications (Selected Profession)
1 Month of Chat Support
Plan Validity 3 Months

For booking your session with a career expert, kindly get in touch. (Mail us at