Yellow Warriors India : A Covid 19 Help Founded By My Yellow Plate!


****It’s 11 in the night, the oxygen level is dropping to 85! Where can we get the cylinder?****

Aren’t we all aware of the current situation in India & around the globe? The pandemic has shaken our roots and we have entered one of the most difficult time faced by humans! Many people have lost their lives due to a shortage of available resources or not getting the resources at the right time. Frustrated by the situation, Himanshu Sehgal (My Yellow Plate) took an initiative and founded Yellow Warriors. 

Within a span of few days, it affected the lives of hundreds of people and saved so many lives! People could now check the verified resources of the oxygen cylinders, get the notifications of available beds, food services offered by home chefs and what not! In this hard time, Yellow Warriors is working day and night to get the right information to people. Himanshu says “Even getting a single message of life saved motivates him to work harder. 

You can follow them on Instagram and Twitter on their official handles below: